Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Christmas to Remember!

Mommy: "It was our 1st Christmas together this year and it was a nice quiet little Christmas. Siena got up Christmas morning appearing a little tired. Not sure what was going on. Maybe she was confused at what had just happened through the night."
Siena (if she could talk): "You mean that bearded old man in the Mall that I didn't want anything to do with, came & left me all these toys? All I left him was some milk & cookies. Maybe I'm dreaming all this. OK... I'll go along with Mommy & Daddy & play with the great toys. Empty this big sock that's hanging by the fireplace & eat Christmas candy 1st thing this morning. Oh yeah...this is a dream. But to be on the safe side I'll take a nap later & see if it's all still here when I wake up."
Mommy: " She didn't seem like her old self. She seemed a little sad at times. She played with the toys but I was worried she was sick. I did let her eat one piece of the chocolate that was in her stocking and she finally came around a little bit.
I spent most of the morning twisting & pulling toys out of packaging that was even parent proof. We did a video from the moment I brought her down the stairs. I haven't even had time to view it yet. So I don't know if I'll get around to posting it on the Blog."
Siena: "Oh I guess I am tired but I do love the kitchen set. It's cool with all these groceries. Just wish they were real so I could snack all day."
Mommy: "She seems to really love the kitchen. She got 2 doll babies, one from Santa & one from her Godmother, Maria, but she doesn't seem to be too taken with them yet."
Siena: "Oh man, this candy is getting to me. I think I'm carbing out. Just say the N A P word Mommy & I'll go right up."
Mommy: " We took advantage of Siena's nap and started getting dinner ready for our friends, Maribel & Elmo who were to come over at 5:00.
The house smelled wonderful from the roast that had been cooking in the crock pot all night."
Siena: "I'm awake now! Time for me to do my usual "Get me up cry". I feel so much better. It's time to see if all those toys are still downstairs."
Mommy: " Let's get her up. I hope the nap helped."
Siena: "Well what'da ya know....all the toys are still here. Hooray...it wasn't a dream! I'm gonna play & play & play."
Mommy: " When Maribel & Elmo arrived, Siena couldn't wait to show off all her new treasures. Giggling, laughing & playing. Thank goodness my little girl was her old self again."

Many Thanks to Everyone that gave us all such wonderful gifts!

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