Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Annnnnddd....We're Off!

Off to school that is. Siena's 1st day was today. All went really well. She didn't cry & neither did I.
She was very excited to go. She walked right up to the school like she knew exactly what to do. She's such a big girl. We went down to her room and settled in but Siena quickly took off playing with the toys. The teacher was very nice in allowing us Mothers to stay as long as we wanted but I soon kissed her goodbye and left. Only one of the little boys started crying for his Mom. Like I said previously, there were only 2 little boys in the class with her.
When I went back to pick her up (2 hrs later), the teacher said that she did really well and didn't cry at all. In her backpack was a list of the activities from the day and the food that she ate at lunch. I had given the teacher some lunch money since I wanted Siena to try some new foods. It would be hard to pack a sandwich since she rarely eats the bread anyway. So I think we will be buying most of the lunches.
Along with everything, Siena brought home her art work that is proudly hanging on the frig in the kitchen. Isn't it the most beautiful masterpiece ever?
I talked with Siena in the car ride home & asked if she liked school & wanted to go back. She said "thes"(yes). She was talking up a storm!
Once home I asked her if she liked her new friends, Mathew & Logan & she said "NO". Too funny! But I'm not sure I believe that since she says "no" to a lot of things right now. I'm sure they had a good time.

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