Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Belated Valentines Day!

Late again to blog class. Oh well, this busy Mom is well.....busy. No other excuse. My "To Do"  list keeps getting longer every week. Later, on all that.

The weekend before Valentine's Day, Mark & I actually had a date night. We got Siena's teacher's oldest daughter to babysit for us. Siena was thrilled to have her so it was a real delight. Since we aren't into the party or drinking scene, the only activity we tend to do is go out to eat so that was really all we came up with. Of yeah...we did run to the mall for a few minutes. But dinner was nice & peaceful since we didn't have the interruption of someone special every time we spoke to each other and dinner was really good at Bonefish Grill.

Mark's out of town this week so he gave Siena & I our little gifts before he left town & on Valentines Day I got a sweet bouquet of flowers delivered.

Like many events at school I help out in class. So yesterday I went to help the kids read their Valentines. This is what Siena wore for her special day. Sassiness & all.
On top of all the Valentine goodies from Daddy & school, Siena also got some wonderful goodies from Aunt Betty & Baba. Thank you both.

Everything else is going well. Siena is progressing well in piano class & still likes it. I hope she will continue so I can continue to live vicariously through her. Piano was always something I wanted to play but only took a few lessons as an adult but it just didn't click for me.
Girl scouts is fun too. We had our cookie drive & went around the neighborhood & got some orders but have yet to do a store front sale. Hoping to get a spot in front of a store soon.

A few weeks ago was report card time again & Siena made all high marks. The PALS testing was done before that & she scored the max in all areas on it. Her reading now is awesome. Beginner reading books are just too easy, so we've moved on to short story books.

As for me, I'm still selling well on Etsy. If you haven't checked out Etsy or my shop , please take a look. Etsy has so many great shops with vintage & handmade items along with supplies to make anything you can think of. Another new venue for me selling, is our area has a few Yard Sale groups through Facebook. I've joined one that I've sold over $500.00 of stuff on in just one week. It's true! I've been selling just things around the house & some of the things that are piled in the garage. You just meet the buyer in a public location, like a store parking lot to get it to them. It works out so well since I make it somewhere close by or on my way to other places.

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